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Sri.K.Varadachari began his career as a congressman in the year 1919. K. Varadachari became associated with the organisational work of the Congress. He was also the Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Composite Madras State from 1937 to 1955. 

As an ardent follower of Gandhiji he named two of his sons as K.S.Gandhi and K.V.K.Gandhi.

In 1920 he was sentenced to one year Rigourous imprisonment for participating in the Non-Cooperation movement.

He took an active role and did constructive work in the promotion of Khadi, Harijan upliftment and their welfare, implementation of prohibition and Rural Reconstruction in Chittoor district since 1922.

In 1935 he was the leader of the Congress Party, District Board Chittoor and became Member of the All India Congress Committee. He became a Member of the Madras Legisla-


- tive Assembly of composite Madras State from 1937 to 1955.

Sri. K.Varadachari was also a great speaker. His son Kasturi recalls that shri.Vishwanathan a congress worker told him that K.Varadachari’s speeches were so emotionally packed that it would stir the audience to tears.

During one of the election as MLA of Chittoor constituency 18,310 people had voted for him out of 22,369 people.  Below is a clipping of the government record (the election result) which shows that Sri. Varadachari had won the hearts of people and won with thumping majority in the Assembly election.


As a member of the Andhra Provincial Congress Executive Committee 1940 he corresponded with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru directly. One of the letters written by Pandit Jawharlal Nehru to Sri.Varadachari on 19th August 1946 is given here.                                 

As a Freedom fighter He made a great sacrifice of his profession as a prominent and most successful advocate to participate in the freedom struggle as one of the most important leaders not only from the district of Chittoor but also from the Madras province at that time.


He was awarded rigorous imprisonment in 1930 for participating in the Salt Satyagraha movement and prosecuted for picketing toddy shops in 1931. He went to jail many times during the freedom movement.


The Hindu reported on 27th November 1940, the “CONVICTION OF CHITTOOR MLA” that upon the arrest of         Sri K. Varadachari shops observed hartal. The newspaper cuttings are given herein:




         Shri.Varadachari took part in the Individual Satyagraha movement and suffered one year rigorous imprisonment from 27.11.1940 in Vellore and Tirucharapalli Jails.


The picture of the Tirucharapalli jail badge issued to Sri.varadachari is found below. The Jail Badge of Sri K.Varadachariar bears the No 620 for the period 27.11. 40  to  26.11.41.  The original badge is in the possession of his son K.Sridharan.


      He was detained in Jail from 23-8.1942 during the Quit India Movement and released on 6.7.1943 on medical grounds.


On one occasion Judge W.O.Newsam told Shri.Varadachari to refrain from freedom struggle. Shri Varadachari replied that if W.W.Rosa resigned and went back to England, he would stop his activities.


On the 6th of May 1952 Sri.K.Varadachari was nominated to be the Deputy Speaker. Though he was offered nomination for the position of Speaker itself, he declined it since it would disable him from practising. Therefore he accepted the nomination for the post of Deputy Speaker. He was sure to be elected as the Deputy Speaker. However, upon the persuasion of C.Rajagopalachari, he withdrew his nomination in the last minute to make way for Sri.B.Bhaktavatsala Naidu. He never thought that it was a big issue. When queried by the press whether he would resign from congress, he brushed them aside by saying that it was a very petty matter and he would always remain a congressman.


This speaks of his great sacrificing quality.  In fact during the subsequent meeting of the congress, the suggestion to withdraw the nomination of Shri.Varadachari was termed as ‘unfair’ by many like Manickyavel Nayakar, Perumal Swamy Reddy (industries Minister).    In fact Shri. Tenneti Vishwanathan of the opposition asked shri. Varadachari not to withdraw his nomination and assured him that they would elect him. But Shri.Varadachari replied that he would do only what the party told him to do.


The following information was found in


Election of deputy speaker :- In the afternoon of the 6th May 1952, the election of Deputy Speaker was held with Sri J. Sivashanmugam Pillai, the Speaker, in the Chair, Sri.B. Bhaktavatsalu Naidu, Srimathi Thamma Kotamma Reddi, Sri K. Varadachari and Sri K.R. Viswanathan were nominated for the Deputy Speakership. Of these Srimathi Thamma Kotamma Reddi and Sri K. Varadachari withdrew their candidature and a poll was held for the remaining two candidates. Sri B. Bhaktavatsalu Naidu secured 198 votes and Sri K.R. Viswanathan 164 votes and the Speaker declared Sri B. Bhaktavatsalu Naidu duly elected as


Deputy Speaker. Congratulatory speeches on the election of Speaker and the Deputy Speaker were made on the 7th May 1952.

             A Freedom Fighter  

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